For ORGANIC SUGAR COSTA RICA, the protection of personal data and the privacy of users is fundamental, our goal is to build a trustworthy and safe environment for users. The treatment of users’ personal data is covered in Costa Rica by the legal provisions established in Law No. 8968, Protection of the Person against the Treatment of Personal Data and its Regulations, whose objective is to guarantee users, without discrimination, your fundamental rights in relation to your privacy or private activity, the defense of your freedom and equality with respect to the treatment of your person or your property and Organic Sugar Costa Rica is respectful of said law.
To store personal data, the consent of the users will be voluntary, free and informed, granted in writing by digital means. However, under no circumstances, the personal data that is in our database, will be commercialized, traded or disposed of for profit in favor of a third party.
Our company guarantees the confidentiality of personal data, establishing a rigorous protection policy, as established in the aforementioned Law on Protection of the Person against the Processing of Personal Data. Whoever has given consent for the storage of their personal data may, at any time, revoke their consent, for which the company has expedited, simple and free mechanisms that allow the holder to revoke their consent.
Our privacy policy can be easily found, if you cannot find it, you can search for it by means of the word “Privacy”.

When registering on our website, it is requested to enter the name of the natural or legal person, nationality, telephone number, email and other information that will help us provide a better service to users and customers.

We use the information we collect for the following purposes:
• To personalize your experience and allow us to deliver the product and content that is of interest to you,
• To improve our website in order to serve you better,
• To respond in a personalized way to your requests,
• To send periodic information to your email about new products, services or promotions.


We use email provided by users to:

• Send information, respond to requests and / or other requirements or inquiries,
• Process requests, send information and updates related to requests,
• Send additional information related to our products and services,
• Commercialize with our database and continuous mailing after registration on the web.

We only request basic information, we do not request information on credit cards, bank accounts, or any other form of payment. We do not give personal or confidential information to third parties.
Your personal information is protected with systems to which only a limited number of people have access, who have access codes to each system and have the duty to handle the information confidentially.
We implement security measures when a user enters, adds or delivers their information to maintain its security.
We do not sell, or trade your personal information.

Users can anonymously visit our website.

• Understand and save the tastes and preferences of the user for future visits,
• Keep track of publications,
• Collect additional data on site traffic and interactions in order to provide a better experience and tools for the future.

The “cookies” send an approval message to your computer, in case you want to use them you just have to approve them or you can deactivate the use of them. If you disable “cookies”, the use of the website will not be as efficient, which will affect the experience on the site.

Our website is aimed at people over 18 years of age, so we take special care to protect security and privacy in the event that minors use our website. We do not collect information from minors, in case a minor wishes to provide information, they must obtain permission from their parents before providing it.
We invite you to participate and monitor your children’s experience in cyberspace.

To stop receiving emails from our company, you must follow the instructions in the link of each email and we will soon remove your information from all correspondence.

The User acknowledges and accepts that the use of the Website is carried out at all times under his / her own risk and responsibility. The company will not be responsible for the improper use that may be made on the website.
The company will not be responsible for damages of any kind to electronic equipment, such as computer, telephone, tablet, etc. of the user by virus or any other. The user acknowledges that the use of the Internet network involves a risk that their computer equipment may be affected by the aforementioned elements, so it is their responsibility to have adequate tools for the detection and elimination of harmful electronic programs that may represent a risk to your computer equipment.

The use of this website will be governed and interpreted in accordance with Costa Rican legislation. Any conflict, controversy or difference that could be related to, or derived from the relationship between the company and the user or any third party that uses the website will be resolved by the Courts of Justice of the Republic of Costa Rica.


If you have any questions or concerns regarding our privacy policy, please feel free to contact us via email: [email protected]

By using our website you agree to the conditions and security policies. Any changes to our privacy policies, partial or total, will be published on the site.